Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Is this for real!

With the 2012 London Olympics drawing ever closer, Britain's national tourism agency wants to "guide" the nation on how to deal with international visitors. To that end, VistiBritain has provided a helpful list of foreign characteristics aimed at avoiding offense. They're all pretty great, but if I had to pick just five it would be these.
  • "A smiling Japanese person is not necessarily happy."
  • "Be careful how you pour wine for an Argentinian."
  • "When meeting Mexicans it is best not to discuss poverty, illegal aliens, earthquakes or their 1845-6 war with America."
  • "Despite stereotypes, Poles are not large consumers of alcohol and excessive drinking is frowned upon."
  • "Canadians may take offence if labeled American. Some Canadians get so annoyed about being mistaken for US citizens they identify themselves by wearing a maple leaf as pin badge or as a symbol on their clothing."

You will, of course, have your own favourites. A wide variety of obscene gestures are also identified.

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