Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reissue, Repackage, Repackage

Anthony Lui is an art director / designer based in London’s East End, see the great reissues for Morrissey.
All You Need Is Me’ was the second release from Greatest Hits. The patterned paper on this was made of snakes, globes, eyes and stars. Also released as two 7″s and a CD wallet. See also Morrissey Greatest Hits and That’s How People Grow Up Cover photography by Jake Walters.
Michael Muller shot Morrissey on the grave of Johnny Ramone for this cover.The CD two inner bag carries a reproduction of the Camden Town engine house which eventually became the Roundhouse—where the Ramones first played the UK in 1976. There’s a great seven-minute long doco about this show you can watch here.

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