Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Look who I want to come for dinner

Stephen Fry is a someone I would like as a guest at my house for dinner. Check out his site...it will give you a glimpse into his diverse inter st.... Perfect guest....Debates Catholicism, and can tell a great story about hecklers.....

"At a U2 concert in Glasgow, Bono asks the audience for some quiet. Then in the silence, he starts to slowly clap his hands. Holding the audience in total silence, he says into the microphone, "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies."A voice from near the front pierces the silence: "Well, stop clapping your fucking hands then"

This then got me goggling the famous stories of heckling...here are some that I came across.....

Bill Bailey was at a Whitney Houston gig in New York in winter and witnessed this. Whitney sauntered on stage a full hour late in a massive fur coat. She walked up to the mic and said, "I'd just like to say, that I love each and every one of you."
And then a huge black guy behind him shouted "SING, bitch!"

Heckler: "Show us your cock"
Comedian: "I will if you show me your brain cell"
Heckler: "Least it´ll be bigger than your cock"

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